Profile - Zach

Zach Cook is an attorney and former member of the New Mexico State Legislature, where he served for seven terms. In 2023, He left public office to pursue his mission of bringing light to a world of darkness. And he believes one of the ways power will be restored to the People is by training Americans how to find, read, and understand the law to become more well-rounded Patriots.

Zach's Mission

Zach helps patriotic Americans gain a more functional understanding of the legal concepts surrounding the U.S. Constitution. You can take every U.S. Constitution course offered on the internet, but until you read and study how the Supreme Court applies our Founding Documents, you will never come to fully understand how our Constitutional Republic really works. Zach is dedicated to helping people see through the lies spread by the enemies of freedom. He empowers them with the confidence to stand up and defend our nation with a deeper understanding of American Constitutional law.

When you know what Zach knows, you will easily be able to take down the entire army of Marxist propagandists that have invaded our Homeland. Zach’s methods are fine for the classroom and group discussions with friends from church. But they’re intended to be maintained and refined as one of the many tools in the Patriot’s toolbox of Freedom. They will protect Patriots against attacks on our freedom anywhere from main street, to city hall, to the halls of congress...all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.

After decades of practicing law and politics, Zach is keenly adept at translating complicated legal issues into everyday American English so his clients, his constituents, his family, and his neighbors can grasp the law and more readily understand the complex and dangerous times we are living in.

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