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Learn How to Exercise Your Constitutional Rights and Live Free Without Fear of Censorship, Legal Prosecution, or Violent Intervention by Left-Wing Radicals

If you’re blown away at how quickly things have turned against us regular Americans, and you’re ready to fight back the “woke” tyrants, then follow these steps

Rule #1:

Educate Yourself on Your Rights Most people THINK they understand the First Amendment, but you’d be shocked at how many times supreme court justices used a “side act” to override someone’s liberties. Properly understanding the First Amendment means you don’t accidentally screw up when you think you’re acting within your rights as an American.

Rule #2:

Be Warned By the Stories of People Our Constitution Failed to Protect When someone disagrees with your viewpoint, they’ll come after you with everything they got. The best way to guess their next move and win is to understand how the system failed to protect other Americans. Then use their mistakes as lessons for yourself.

Rule #3:

Band With Patriots Who Share Your Views You are not alone. While it might seem like your viewpoint isn’t popular, there’re others defending the First Amendment. When you find and join forces with them, together, you are stronger.

HEY! Do You Want to Be Part of a Community of American Patriots Educating Ourselves on Our Rights and Defending Them?

I’ve spent the better part of the last two decades defending our liberties. I’ve seen cases where people trusted the consitution to protect their right to speak without fear. And I’ve seen the system fail them. Do you want to see what went wrong and avoid their mistakes? Do you want to get help for free and work with others like yourself?

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By clicking "Join Now!" I agree to receive daily emails from, containing education on my constitutional rights, stories about people the constitution failed, and help, support, and answers to community questions. Emails will also contain promotions of books and other relevant information. I understand I can unsubscribe at any time. See our full Privacy Policy here.

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